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11% of Australian women are affected


Lipoedema is a chronic disorder that affects almost exclusively women and is characterised by bilateral, symmetrical abnormal fatty tissue accumulation mainly in the hip region and upper and lower legs.

It develops and often progresses around periods of hormonal changes in the body puberty, pregnancy and menopause.


  • Symmetrical accumulation of fatty tissue in legs usually from waist to ankles, feet not affected.

  • Persistent enlargement despite elevation of the extremities or after weight loss.

  • Sufferers complain of heavy, aching legs.

  • Bruising is easy because of the fragility of vascular walls.

  • Legs can be very hypersensitive to touch and pressure.

  • Difficult to comply with compression garments because the underlying lipoedemic fat, which is very painful.

Currently there is no cure for lipoedema, however, it can be managed with a variety of consistent techniques and therapies, which help to reduce the oedema, the pain and delay the progressive nature of lipoedema.


For more information on lipoedema go to


Dr . Karen Herbst has an excellent website worth reading;






MLD It is a unique therapeutic method of stimulating the movement of fluids in the body tissue.

This gentle, rhythmic, pumping massage movements follow the direction of the lymph flow and produce rapid results . It assists the cutaneous lymphatics in picking up and removing fluids and waste products from our system.

Regular MLD will help to reduce oedema.

MLD is highly recommended for lipoedema sufferers who are sensitive to touch or experience pain when touched. Several studies have shown that MLD has a pain relieving and anti-inflammatory effect.

The frequency and duration of MLD treatments depends on the severity of the lipoedema.

MLD and Lipoedema: Services
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